Residence Halls

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When it feels like home, you know you're at St. Ambrose University.

Scroll down for detailed information about St. 可以买滚球的正规平台的学生宿舍和高年级学生宿舍.

General Housing Information Meet the Residence Hall Advisors

chapel spire overlooking campus

Benefits of Living On Campus

Close to all the action

  • Heightened safety and security. Front desks are staffed, residence life staff live on each floor, 并带领保安人员和警察定期巡视校园.
  • You are close to classrooms, the library, athletic and recreational facilities, the cafeteria, faculty/staff/administrative offices, etc.
  • 每周的家政服务,以及水电费和网络费用都包括在内.
  • There is a network of staff (Residence Life, Security, 物理工厂)可以帮助您满足您的需求. 

Join Our Academic Community

North Hall

北厅的学术正规买球平台有哪些容纳了全面发展的一年级学生,他们高度重视学术和正规买球平台有哪些参与. 被学术团体录取的学生的综合评分为80分.


Take a Video Tour
See our residence halls for first-year students

设有贝克特尔,科斯格罗夫,北,罗尔曼和北大厅. 可提供单人和套房式生活,以及客房管理和校园美景.

Want to see them in-person? Schedule a visit to SAU

Residence Halls

Bechtel Hall

柏克德宿舍是2004年开放的一年级学生宿舍. It offers double occupancy, suite-style living. Total resident capacity is 140.

Click here to watch a Hive Tour of Bechtel Hall


  • Private bathroom and shower in each suite
  • Carpeted floors
  • Dressers, closets, and desks
  • Bunked beds
  • Air-conditioning
  • ADA Accessible Rooms
  • Four study lounges
  • Wireless and ethernet hookups
  • Laundry facilities
  • Big screen TV in common area

Room dimensions

  • Room dimensions: 11'x25'x8'
  • 壁橱尺寸:32'W x 22'深,衣柜上方有一英尺的存储空间
  • Download the Bechtel Hall Floor Plan (pdf)
Cosgrove Hall

科斯格罗夫楼(Cosgrove Hall)是一座六层楼的建筑,建于1969年,为大一男女新生提供四层套间式生活. Two rooms are joined by a bathroom. Rooms are double occupancy. Total resident capacity is 224.

Click here to watch a Hive Tour of Cosgrove Hall


  • Co-ed by floor
  • Private bathrooms
  • Laundry facilities
  • Wardrobe units and desks
  • Bunked beds with lofting ability
  • Carpeted floors 
  • 每个房间都有水槽(2011年夏季安装的新梳妆台)
  • Air conditioning 
  • Wireless and ethernet hookups
  • Piano on 1st floor for student use

Room dimensions

  • Room dimensions: 9' x 18' x 9' 3" H (162 Sq. Ft)
  • 阿诺德·迈耶休息室位于科斯格罗夫酒店的下层, 以及一个24小时的计算机实验室和多媒体实验室.
  • 校园自助餐厅位于一楼.
  • Download the Cosgrove Hall Floor Plan (pdf)
Franklin Hall

这座耗资700万美元的宿舍楼于2005年秋季开放,为二年级学生提供套间式的生活. Total resident capacity is 204.

Watch a Hive Tour of Franklin Hall


  • Private bathroom and shower in each suite
  • Carpeted floors
  • Dressers, closets, and desks
  • Beds (with stack option)
  • Air-conditioning
  • ADA Accessible Rooms
  • Wireless and ethernet hookups
  • Three study lounges and printing station
  • Laundry facilities

Room layouts and dimensions

  • Download a PDF of a typical Franklin Hall room
  • Room dimensions: 11.6' W x 28' (at door) x 8' H
  • 壁橱尺寸:32'W x 22'深,衣柜上方有一英尺的存储空间
  • 请注意,ADA的房间是为方便使用而设计的, 因此ADA房间的布局将与典型的布局有所不同.
Hagen and Tiedemann Halls

哈根和蒂德曼大厅由哈根/蒂德曼链接连接, which has study rooms, a security desk, 有大屏幕电视的休息室和厅长办公室.

Watch a Hive Tour of Tiedemann Hall

Watch a Hive Tour of Hagen Hall

Hagen Hall
为首选住房的学生,并提供四人和六人公寓,单卧室, a common living area, kitchen, and bathrooms. The total resident capacity is 140.


  • A couch and two chairs
  • End table and coffee table
  • Counter-style seating
  • Closets, dressers, and desks
  • Lofted beds
  • Microwave, oven, and refrigerator
  • Carpeted floors
  • Air-conditioning
  • ADA Accessible Rooms
  • Walk-in closet and pantry in most rooms
  • Wireless and ethernet hookups 
  • Piano in lobby area for student use!

Room layouts and dimensions

Tiedemann Hall
始建于1996年,为首选住房的学生提供公寓式住房. 每套公寓可容纳四名学生,包括两间卧室, a common living area, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The total resident capacity is 124. 


  • A bunkable bed
  • A couch and two chairs
  • Two end tables and a coffee table
  • Dressers, desks, and closets
  • Kitchen table and four chairs
  • Microwave, stove and full-size refrigerator
  • Laundry facilities
  • Carpeted floors
  • Air-Conditioning
  • ADA Accessible Rooms
  • Wireless and ethernet hookups

Room layouts and dimensions


Houses are a unique component of St. Ambrose living. 大三和大四的学生可以住在达文波特单独的校园宿舍,但仍然是校园住宿正规买球平台有哪些的一部分.

住在校园里可以让学生体验大学毕业后的生活,并鼓励他们承担责任和个人成长. 居住生活和校园安全确保了房屋正规买球平台有哪些的安全, 定期巡视和彻底巡视正规买球平台有哪些.


专门为房屋正规买球平台有哪些雇用的居民顾问对确保居民了解校园内发生的一切保持警惕. 他们还执行一些计划,鼓励房子里的居民离开客厅,到校园来.

房子正规买球平台有哪些是大学和研究生生活的完美结合. 这是一个学习、成长的空间,也是一个真正理解如何成为一个好邻居的空间.

McCarthy Hall


每套公寓可容纳四名学生,包括两间卧室, a common living area, a kitchen, and a bathroom. 有些单元可容纳两名学生,包括一间卧室、公共生活区、厨房和浴室. The total resident capacity is 96.


  • A bunkable bed
  • A couch and two chairs
  • Two end tables and a coffee table
  • Dressers, desks, and closets
  • Kitchen table and four chairs
  • Microwave, stove and full-size refrigerator
  • Carpeted floors
  • Air-conditioning
  • ADA Accessible Rooms
  • Wireless and ethernet hookups
  • Community laundry facilities

Room layout and dimensions

  • 下载麦卡锡大厅典型布局的PDF文件 (PDF显示为纪念理查德·“迪克”·麦卡锡而改名前的西厅)
  • Room dimensions: 12' x 14' (double room)
  • 麦卡锡大厅是一个双重用途的空间,上面的三层是住宅生活空间,下面的两层是学术空间. 该建筑在建筑的一楼提供了一个不同信仰的空间. 居住生活人员(在大楼工作)的办公室位于大楼的一层.
North Hall

North Hall, home to our Academic Community, 我们最新的宿舍是否为学生提供传统和公寓式的住宿.

每间首选公寓设有四间单人卧室, a common living area, kitchen, and bathrooms. 传统的住房是套间式的,双人间由一个完整的浴室连接. Total resident capacity is 204.

Watch a Hive Tour of an apartment in North Hall or a suite in North Hall.


  • 私人浴室和淋浴在每个套房和公寓
  • Dressers, closets, and desks
  • Carpeted floors
  • Air-conditioning
  • ADA Accessible Rooms
  • Wireless and ethernet hookups
  • Community laundry facilities

Room Dimensions

Rohlman Hall

罗尔曼宿舍是一个男女混合的传统宿舍,主要为二年级学生提供住宿. In 2001, it received a $5 million renovation. 罗尔曼提供双人入住,套房式生活. Total resident capacity is 202.

Watch a Hive Tour of Rohlman Hall


  • 每个四人套房的私人浴室和淋浴
  • Carpeted floors
  • Dressers, closets, and desks
  • Bunked beds
  • Air-conditioning
  • ADA accessible rooms
  • 每层设有学习和社交休息室,一楼设有大屏幕电视
  • Wireless and ethernet hookups
  • Laundry facilities
  • Piano on 2nd floor for student use!

Room layout and dimensions

  • Download a PDF of a typical layout in Rohlman Hall
  • Room dimensions: 11' W x 25' (at door) x 8' H
  • 壁橱尺寸:41“宽x 24”深,衣柜上方有24英寸的存储空间
  • 请注意,ADA的房间是为方便使用而设计的, 因此ADA房间的布局将与典型的布局不同.

The Andrews, Strub, Schneider, and Sudbrook townhouses, built in 1990, 两层联排别墅是为学生提供首选住房吗.

Each unit houses eight students and has a kitchen, common living area, four double bedrooms, and two bathrooms. Total resident capacity is 104.

Watch a Hive Tour of a Townhouse


  • Microwave, oven and full-size refrigerator
  • Carpeted floors
  • Three showers, four sinks (2 bathrooms)
  • Dressers, desks and bunked beds
  • Couches, chairs and end tables
  • Kitchen table and chairs
  • 外面的露台俯瞰四方与野餐桌
  • Laundry facilities
  • Wireless and ethernet hookups

Room dimensions

  • 18'9" x 11' (double room)


Residence Life
Rogalski Center, 2nd floor
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803
563-333-6256 fax

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